Apologies for not updating the blog sooner. I've had a few issues trying to log-on through the hospital network. Anyway, since my last entry things have seemingly turned a corner - thank God - yet again. The GVH has not returned and the fungal infection has reduced behind my left eye - what a relief! The docs are also reducing the anti-immune drugs and steroids. The steroids I've been on for the last few months are also a muscle waster (not that I had much to lose but when you struggle to get off the toilet seat you know you're getting weak - I was almost stuck in the toilet at LA airport!).
There's is talk of getting home next week. Let's hope so, if these infections don't kill me the food will! The kitchen needs a Gordon Ramsay type to kick some arse. I have visions of a George A. Romero Zombie-like catering staff dragging their feet while muttering some inane gibberish (they are quite possibly chained to their work stations). I'd like to see the chef (I use the term extremely lightly), catering manager and food buyer led in chains to a public stocks in the city centre to be publicly shamed. Either that or their heads on spikes outside the Town Hall. A tad too far? I think not brothers and sisters. Food crimes should be punishable by 17th century standards (though scrumping apples resulting in 15 years hard labour was a bit harsh!).
Since returning Down Under I've been spoilt by all this Rugby coverage back in OZ. An excellent World Cup final in the League between Australia and New Zealand and in the Union the Wallabies tour of Europe. A real shame Scotland didn't hang on to their lead against South Africa, but well done to the Pacific Islanders beating Italy. Let's hope England can win at least one game at the weekend after their recent thrashings by South Africa and Australia. Oh, hang on, it's against the All Blacks!
Current Reading: Still on Mr. Heston's film journals (up to 1963 - '55 Days at Peking'). (
Current Listening/Viewing: Radiohead 'In Rainbows from the BBC Basement' (
Currently Eating: Hard Boiled Egg Sandwich (
Great to hear you whining about the hospital food. You don't want to get too settled into that life of lazing about watching rugby all day.
Having just experienced the food at hospital after Henrys birth I have to say that I concur with your statements - I have no idea how long the vegetable cooking instructions were for as all veggies came soggy and grey....
Glad to hear you are improving daily although I cant get the image of you almost stuck on the toilet at LA airport out of my head now....
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