Like Lazaruss I have returned! I can imagine the anticipation that you must all have been feeling (cough!). But now the wait is over my friends. Blog 2009 starts here...
So, since November I've had a couple of hospital stays due to infections. One of them spread to the back of my left eye and could have resulted in me losing my sight and spreading to the brain - not good! A course of injections in the eye were worth it (yes, it's as creepy as it sounds) and have reduced the infection, though I'll still be on the antibiotics for weeks/months. I've since found out that I'm one of the few people in the world to have survived this particular bug - makes me wonder how many lives I've get left - I must be nearing nine!
The other problem at the moment is an infection in the knee. Septic athritis. They have performed a few wash-out operations to clean out the joint. I'm not hobbling around anymore and the swelling is gradually reducing itself. The docs have no idea of the long-term effect as some of the bone had been damaged by the infection. Never a dull moment in the post-transplant world.
Unfortunately, I'm still obliged to go in to the the hospital out-patients' clinic three days a week - which takes up most the day. Plus, I have hospital-at-home come every morning and evening to administer my IV antibiotics. So, basically I'm a slave to all these drugs at the moment.
I'm still struggling to gain weight, though I'm eating okay and reading - bizzarely - cookbooks. I recommend Delia Smith's grilled lemon chicken kebabs. Delia you are a domestic goddess!
Current Reading:'I Peed on Fellini' by David Stratton
Current Listening:'Secret World Live' by Peter Gabriel
Currently Eating: Tomato soup with toast and Homus